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Kick Off Event Enhance Micro-Creditentials

On behalf of the Center for International Cooperation of the Warsaw University of Technology and the ENHANCE consortium, to which the Warsaw University of Technology belongs, I would like to inform you about the upcoming information meeting on microprograms for ENHANCE students.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to ask you to disseminate information about the meeting along with the attached materials on your website and in social media run by your unit, so that the information can reach as many students as possible. Details below:

The ENHANCE consortium invites students of the Warsaw University of Technology to a meeting devoted to microprograms that enable obtaining micro-credentials. The meeting will take place online on May 8, 2023, at 12.15 - 13.15 PST

ENHANCE partner universities have developed a wide range of micro-programs for students, shaping the skills necessary to meet both today's and tomorrow's global challenges.

The information meeting aims to present the offer of microprograms and answer the following questions:

  • How can you benefit from the microprograms offered by ENHANCE?
  • How can students obtain funding for the implementation of micro-programmes?
  • How can students benefit from microprograms during academic exchange?
  • 12.15 - 12.20: Welcome
  • 12.20 - 12.30: Presentation of the ENHANCE consortium (Naveed Syed - Secretary General, ENHANCE Alliance)
  • 12.30 - 12.50: Introduction to ENHANCE microprograms (coordinators of individual microprograms)
  • 12.50 - 13.00: Funding for the implementation of ENHANCE microprograms (Julian Irlenkäuser - Mobility Officer, ENHANCE Alliance)13.00 - 13.15: Q&A session
  • 1.15pm: End of meeting

Led by Ana-Marija Cvitic, Strategy Officer, ENHANCE Alliance


More information about ENHANCE: HERE.

Information in Polish and English is also available on CWM's Facebook page.

Kind regards
Piotr Szczepanski